Thursday, September 4, 2014

Value Sets Interview Questions

What is a valueset?

Value Set as the name specifies refers to a set of values. These vales can be used to validate the values entered in a felx-field segment, concurrent program parameters and report parameters.

Why do we need value sets?

You do not always want a user to enter junk free text into all the fields. Hence, Oracle Apps uses value set to validate that correct data is being entered in the fields in screen.

Is value set attached to all the fields that require validations?

A big NO

Then where lies the usage of value sets?

Broadly speaking, value sets are attached to segments in Flexfields. You can argue that value sets are also attached to parameters of concurrent program(but in reality oracle treats parameters as Descriptive Flexfields)

When to define Values for Value Sets

  • After you register your Flexfields & report parameters, if you are using independent or dependent value sets, you can enter values into each corresponding value set using the Segment Values form.
  • Values for the Value Sets, we are defining will be kept in the Oracle Application Object Library tables.

What are the main details entered in the valueset?

  • Name
  • List Type
  • Security Type
  • Format Type
  • Maximum size
  • Precision
  • Validation type

What are different list types?

  • Pop-List : When the number of items is between 1-10
  • List of Values : When the number of items is between 10-100
  • Long List of Values : When the number of items is more then 200

What are different security types?

  • No Securtiy: No security is enabled for the value set
  • Hierarchical Security: Security rule applied to the parent is automatically applied to the child values
  • Non-Hierarchical Security: Security rule applied to the parent is not applied to the child values

How many Format Types the value set have?

  • Character
  • Number
  • Time
  • Standard Date, Standard Date Time
  • Date, Date Time

How many Character Formatting Options have for value set?

 Numbers Only (0–9)

  • We cannot prevent users from entering a value that contains the radix character.
  • Cannot be used in Translatable Independent and Translatable Dependent value sets.
Uppercase Only
  • Here also we cannot use in Translatable Independent and Translatable Dependent value sets.
 Right–justify and Zero–fill Numbers
  • If you have selected Numbers Only (0–9) flag, then it wont allow you to affect this flag.
  • We are recommended to use this in Accounting Flex fields.
Minimum and Maximum Value Range
  • Your Minimum/maximum value may not be longer than the maximum size you specify for this value set.
  • Once you specify a range of values, you cannot define a new valid value that falls outside this range.
  • The Minimum Value and Maximum Value fields can therefore allow you to create a value set with a validation type of None.

What are different validation types?

Different types of Value sets?

Validation Type: Refers to the type of validation applied when values are entered for the fields associated with the value set.

  • None : The values entered is not validated against any pre-defined set of values , the values is only validated against the format type specified.
  • Independent : The value entered is validated against a pre-defined set of values
  • Dependent : The value is validated against a set of values which depend on an independent value set .
  • Special: values set uses a flex field itself.
  • Pair : two flex fields together specify a range of valid values.
  • Translatable independent : input must exist on previously defined list
  • of values; translated values can be used.
  • Translatable dependent : input is checked against a subset of values
  • based on a prior values; translated value can be used.

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