Friday, September 12, 2014

Data Insertion in Different Tables

Mr XYZ joins a company
  1. Record created in per_all_people_f.
  2. Record created in per_person_type_usages_f with person_type set as employee.
  3. If address is given record is created in per_addresses.
  4. Assignment is created in per_all_assignments_f with assignment_type as ‘E’ and primary flag as Y’
  5. Record created in per_periods_of_service with the hire date
  6. Record created in ben_per_bnfts_bal_f specifying the salary that he gets.
Mr XYZ gets married
  1. Marital status updated in per_all_people_f.
  2. Record created in per_all_people_f for the dependent
  3. Record created for dependent is per_person_type_usages_f with person type set as Dependent
  4. Records created in per_contact_relationships specifying the type of relation.

Mr XYZ goes on a leave.
  1. Record created in per_absence_attendances
  2. Assignment updated in per_all_assignments_f and benefits assignment created in per_all_assignments_f.

Mr XYZ leaves the company
  1. Employee assignment is updated in per_all_assignments_f with status as Terminated.
  2. Benefit assignment is created for COBRA programs(per_all_assignments_f)
  3. Person type usage of Employee is end dated and that of Ex-Employee is created(per_person_type_usages_f)
  4. Record is created in per_periods_of_service storing the period for which the person was on this assignment.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the informative blog! waiting for next post.- hsenid hrm
