Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Payroll Interview Questions 3

List of some Important Tables in HRMS

  • Per_all_people_F,
  • per_person_types,
  • per_person_type_usages,
  • per_addresses,
  • Per_all_assignments_f,
  • per_jobs,
  • per_job_Definitions,
  • per_grades,
  • per_grade_definitions,
  • hr_all_positions,
  • hr_all_position_definitions,
  • hr_all_locations,
  • pay_all_payrolls_F,
  • pay_element_entries_F,
  • pay_elements_links_F,

What is the difference between both SECURED VIEWS and NON SECURED VIEWS?

  • Secured views display information only for the current period
  • Unsecured views is used to get the information from the entire rows

Define APIs and use in Oracle HRMS?

API’s are used in HR to insert the data into the Base tables. As it’s very secured system, the user does not have the facility to copy the data directly into the Base tables. When we write the inbound interfaces / use WebAdI, the systems will use the APIs to store the data into system. The API are published by oracle with number of parameters. The different types of parameters are IN / INOUT / OUT of these parameters few are mandatory, without which the process won’t complete. Generally 

when we use API we give data FOR : Object Version Number, Effective Date, P_Validate

Example: hr_employee_api.create_employee

Example: hr_organization_api.create_organization

What are processing types of element?

Elements are nothing but the components of the salary.

For Example: Basic Salary, House Allowance, Transport Earning, Bonus, Loan Recovery etc.
There are 2 types of Processing
1. Recurring: if an entry of this element applies in every period until the entry is ended
2. Non Recurring: if an entry applies in one pay period only.

What are termination roles of an element?

Termination Rules of an Element:

a).Actual Termination:  For a nonrecurring element, select Actual Termination if you want the entries to close down at the end of the pay period in which the employee leaves.

b).Final Close: if you want the entries to stay open beyond the employee's leaving date so that you can continue to pay the employee.

c).The Last Standard Process date defaults to the last day of the pay period in which the employee is terminated, but you can set it to a later period when you terminate an employee.

What is costing?

Recording the costs of an assignment for accounting or reporting purposes, Using Oracle Payroll, you can calculate and transfer costing information to your general ledger and into systems for project management or labor distribution.

Can you call PL/SQL Package functions from within a Fast Formula?
Yes you can

How do we do this?
There is a Define Function screen in HR. In this screen you will register the PL/SQL as “External Function”.

Can we want to pass a parameter PAYROLL_ID to this external PL/SQL Function, how do we do it?
The “Define Function” screen has a button named “Context Usage”. This button opens up a window in which you can register the parameters.

How do you debug a Fast Formula?

You can create a message variable in Fast Formula.
This message variable must also be registered as a Formula Result ( In “Formula Result Rule” window).

What are the various levels where you can Set up Payroll Costing Accounts? Which levels take the highest precedence?

Element Entry => Highest
Assignment => Second Highest
Organization => Third Highest
Element Link => Fourth Highest
Payroll => Fifth Highest

Technically speaking, how do you know from tables that an Employee has been terminated?

(a) The Person_Type_ID in PER_PERSON_TYPE_USAGES_F will correspond to System Person Type EX_EMP

(b) A record gets created in table PER_PERIODS_OF_SERVICE with Actual_Termination_date being not null

How can you make Employee Number generation Automated based on business rule etc?

Use Fast Formula.

What is the difference between per_people_f and per_all_people_f?

 PER_PEOPLE_F is a secured view on top of PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F. The secure view uses an API hr_security.show_person. This API internally checks for an entry in table PER_PERSON_LIST for the logged in person’s security profile. A concurrent program named “Security List Maintainence program” will insert records in PER_PERSON_LIST.

If you do personalization at both FUNCTION level and Responsibility level, which personalization has higher precedence?

Responsibility level. Responsibility level will override FUNCTION level personalization’s.

Say you have done a lot of Personalization’s to Self Service Screens. But all these Personalization’s were done in DEVELOPMENT environment. How will you migrate these personalization’s to PRODUCTION environment?
Before 11.5.7…Use AKLOAD
This is a java program given by Oracle. This is the only way you can script it.
In DEV you will do AKLOAD DOWNLOAD ( & other parameters)
In PRD you will do AKLOAD UPLOAD ( & other parameters)
On or after 11.5.10 Use responsibility “Functional Administrator”, then click
on Personalization Tab, and then click on Import/Export.
Next select the documents to be exported.
Go to the UNIX box and tar the personalization’s into a .tar file.
On the Production environment unzip this tar file in location as entered in profile “FND: Personalization Document Root Path”.
Setting up of this profile is mandatory or else Oracle Framework wouldn’t know where to search for the files to be imported.

How many types of payrolls are there? 

Payroll Period Types Periods per Year
Year 1
Semi-Year 2
Quarter 4
Bi-Month 6
Calendar Month 12
Lunar Month 13
Semi-Month 24
Bi-Week 26
Week 52

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