Wednesday, June 11, 2014

HRMS Terminology ( Alphabet P )

Parameter Portlet

 A portlet in which you select a number of parameters that may affect all your portlets on your

page. These may include an effective date, the reporting period, the comparison type, the

reporting manager, and the output currency for your reports. The parameter portlet is usually

available at the top of the portal page.


 A pattern comprises a sequence of time units that are repeated at a specified frequency. The

Statutory Absence Payments (UK) feature uses SSP qualifying patterns to determine employees

entitlement to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP).

Pattern Time Units

 A sequence of time units specifies a repeating pattern. Each time unit specifies a time period of

hours, days or weeks.

Pay Scale

 A set of progression points that can be related to one or more rates of pay. Employee's are

placed on a particular point on the scale according to their grade and, usually, work experience.

 See also: Grade Scale

Pay Value

 An amount you enter for an element that becomes its run item without formula calculations.

 See also: Input Values

Payment Type

 There are three standard payment types for paying employees: check, cash and direct deposit.

You can define your own payment methods corresponding to these types.


 A group of employees that Oracle Payroll processes together with the same processing

frequency, for example, weekly, monthly or bimonthly. Within a Business Group, you can set

up as many payrolls as you need.

Payroll Reversal

 A payroll reversal occurs when you reverse a payroll run for a single employee, in effect

cancelling the run for this employee.

Payroll Rollback

 You can schedule a payroll rollback when you want to reverse an entire payroll run, cancelling

out all information processed in that run. To preserve data integrity, you can roll back only one

payroll at a time, starting with the one most recently run.

Payroll Run

 The process that performs all the payroll calculations. You can set payrolls to run at any interval

you want.

People List

 An SSHR line manager utility used to locate an employee.

Performance Management Framework (PMF)

 A business intelligence tool used to alert users to exceptional circumstances, as defined by KPIs.

When a particular factor measured by HRMSi goes beyond a threshold chosen by the user, the

system sends the user a workflow notification.

Performance Management Plan

 The entity that defines the performance-management process for a specified period. A

component of the Workforce Performance Management function.

Performance Management Viewer (PMV)

 A reporting tool that displays the report that corresponds to one or more PMF targets.

Period of Incapacity for Work (PIW)

 In the UK, this is a period of sickness that lasts four or more days in a row, and is the minimum

amount of sickness for which Statutory Sick Pay can be paid. If a PIW is separated by less then

the linking interval, a linked PIW is formed and the two PIWs are treated as one.

Period of Placement

 The period of time a contingent worker spends working for an enterprise. A contingent worker

can have only one period of placement at a time; however, a contingent worker can have

multiple assignments during a single period of placement.

 Period Type

 A time division in a budgetary calendar, such as week, month, or quarter.

Personal Public Service Number (PPS)

 The Irish equivalent to National Insurance number in the UK, or the Social Security number in

the US.

Personal Tax Credits Return (TD1)

 A Revenue Canada form which each employee must complete. Used by the employee to reduce

his or her taxable income at source by claiming eligible credits and also provides payroll with

such important information as current address, birth date, and SIN. These credits determine the

amount to withhold from the employee's wages for federal/provincial taxes.

Person Search

 An SSHR function which enables a manager to search for a person. There are two types of

search, Simple and Advanced.

Person Type

 There are eight system person types in Oracle HRMS. Seven of these are combinations of

employees, ex-employees, applicants, and ex-applicants. The eighth category is 'External'. You

can create your own user person types based on the eight system types.

Personal Scorecard

 A collection of objectives for a single worker arising from a single Performance Management


Personnel Actions

 Personnel actions is a public sector term describing business processes that define and

document the status and conditions of employment. Examples include hiring, training,

placement, discipline, promotion, transfer, compensation, or termination. Oracle HRMS uses the

term self-service actions synonymously with this public sector term. Oracle Self Service Human

Resources (SSHR) provides a configurable set of tools and web flows for initiating, updating,

and approving self-service actions.

Plan Design

 The functional area that allows you to set up your benefits programs and plans. This process

involves defining the rules which govern eligibility, available options, pricing, plan years, third

party administrators, tax impacts, plan assets, distribution options, required reporting, and


Plan Sponsor

 The legal entity or business responsible for funding and administering a benefits plan. Generally

synonymous with employer.

Placement Start Date

 In DBI for HRMS Placement Date is the contingent worker's most recent start date prior to the

effective date.


 A specific role within the Business Group derived from an organization and a job. For example,

you may have a position of Shipping Clerk associated with the organization Shipping and the

job Clerk.

Predefined Components

 Some elements and balances, all primary element classifications and some secondary

classifications are defined by Oracle Payroll to meet legislative requirements, and are supplied

to users with the product. You cannot delete these predefined components.

Process Rule

 Professional Information

 An SSHR function which allows an employee to maintain their own professional details or a

line manager to maintain their direct reports professional details.


 A worker's perceived level of expertise in a competency, in the opinion of an assessor, over a given period. For example, a worker may demonstrate the communication competency at Novice or Expert level.

333) Progression Point

 A pay scale is calibrated in progression points, which form a sequence for the progression of employees up the pay scale.

 See also: Pay Scale

Prospect Pool

 (iRecruitment) The prospect pool contains all registered users who have given permission for their information to be published.

Provincial/Territorial Employment Standards Acts

 In Canada, these are laws covering minimum wages, hours of work, overtime, child labour, maternity, vacation, public/general holidays, parental and adoption leave, etc., for employees regulated by provincial/territorial legislation.

Provincial Health Number

 In Canada, this is the account number of the provincially administered health care plan that the employer would use to make remittances. There would be a unique number for each of the provincially controlled plans i.e. EHT, Quebec HSF, etc.

PTO Accrual Plan

A benefit in which employees enroll to entitle them to accrue and take paid time off (PTO). The purpose of absences allowed under the plan, who can enroll, how much time accrues, when the time must be used, and other rules are defined for the plan. 

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